4 Mistakes You Might Be Making Using Red Light Therapy At Home
If you’re using red light therapy at home, you might not be getting the results you want—but it’s probably not your fault! More than likely, you’re just making some of the same mistakes most people make. Here are some things to check out:
1. Your sessions might be too short or too long. The general rule is to have your sessions range anywhere from 10-20 minutes, but you can play around with this too. Everybody is different, after all, and reacts to treatment in its own way. You’re likely not going to see results if you keep all your sessions to 5 minutes.
2. You aren’t using your device often enough. If you want results, it’s recommended that you use your device 2-3 times a week for best results.
3. Are you holding the device far away from your body? You should generally hold the device around 1-3 inches away from the area being treated for optimum results.
4. You might be forgetting to take before and after photos! This one is easy to forget, but so important if you want to track how well your treatment is working (or how much work needs to be done). It’s also great for keeping yourself motivated!
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