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Does red light therapy help low testosterone?

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Red Light Therapy for Testosterone Is Based on Flawed Science

In recent years, red light therapy has become extremely popular for building muscle mass and improving recovery time. But does it really work?

The answer is yes—and no.

If that sounds confusing, let’s dig a little deeper. Red light therapy is becoming more and more common among bodybuilders and other athletes, but scant research exists showing a relationship between red light and increased testosterone. Some animal studies have found an increase in testosterone after using low-level laser therapy, but the same results have not been found in human studies.

Based on the research that does exist, it seems that the most significant benefit of red light therapy is its ability to help you recover from your workouts faster. Not only can this help you feel better mentally and physically by reducing soreness, it also helps to keep you from missing workouts due to injury or illness.

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